Photo Post: February 2018

I wanted to share my February spread with everyone. I’ll be honest–I don’t switch things up very much with my spreads because I’ve found what works for me.

In my life, Bullet Journal is less about being artistic and creative (I have other outlets for that) and more about doing the bare minimum to keep me productive. Lots of people get super creative with their BuJos, and I love seeing their spreads and doodles and gorgeous lettering! But that’s not really where I want to spend my creativity.

So with the caveat that this new feature might get repetitive or boring, I’m going to try to share photos of my Bullet Journal spreads every month.

First my planning setup. I only get this elaborate when I’m doing my monthly spreads. Weekly spreads aren’t as involved, so I usually work at my desk instead of the kitchen table.

Getting ready to plan February in my Bullet Journal - Redhead Paper

My February spread before I put anything on it:

February monthly spread in my Bullet Journal - Redhead Paper

Then the monthly spread filled in.

February monthly spread in my Bullet Journal - Redhead Paper

After the monthly log and tasks comes the habit tracker. In this picture, you can see what I tracked in January on the right and what I plan to track in February on the left. The numbers are the color of Tombow Dual Brush Pen I use to mark each habit.

Habit tracker in my Bullet Journal - Redhead Paper

The final spread in my monthly pages is the prayer prompts and prayer request list. I’m only showing this spread before I transfer ongoing prayer requests from January since I try to keep those private.

The Prayer Prompts calendar on the left is designed by Kelly O’Dell Stanley,  a writer and speaker I love. She describes herself as a graphic designer who writes (or maybe a writer who also does graphic design) and her book Praying Upside Down (affiliate link) is wonderful. She sends a free prayer prompt calendar every month to her email subscribers, and I print it at 65% to fit in my Bullet Journal.

The pen in this picture is my TWSBI Mini EF filled with Noodler’s Ottoman Rose, which is what I used to write the headers for these pages.

My monthly prayer spread in my Bullet Journal - Redhead Paper

And that’s it! After these pages, I start my daily logs. My weekly log for this week is back in January since the week was mostly in January. I just transferred the things I still needed to do to today’s daily log.

What does your spread look like this month?

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